We Are Now Opening Applications For The 2023-2024 School Year
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Arise Christian Academy

Learn About Us

Arise Christian Academy, is a classical, Christian, covenantal community that strives for excellence across our curriculum, teaching from a Biblical worldview so each student is prepared to engage the world with the truth of the Gospel.

Meet our team members

We're hiring!
Beth Garcia

Beth Garcia is a wife, mother of three, and a certified elementary teacher. With over 15 years of experience in public, charter, and private schools. She is passionate about education, school choice, alternative learning models, phonic based reading instruction, teaching through hands on, multi-sensory and thematic curriculums all while installing a Christian foundation in our next generations.

Allison Estrada

Allison is a wife, mother of two and a certified elementary teacher with a Postgraduate Professional License in K-8 and Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction. Accomplished educator with more than ten years of experience in public and charter education including classroom teaching, curriculum development, and assessment writing. Dynamic professional development skills in project-based STEM transformational instruction.

Statements Of Faith

One God

There is only one God and through him we are saved.
( Deuteronomy 6:4)

Created in God's Image

God is the creator of all things and created man in his image.
(Genesis 1:27)

God Returned As Jesus

God was manifested in the flesh [Jesus]" (1 Timothy 3:16) as a living sacrifice. He paid the ultimate price on the cross for our sins. Through this, we can experience redemption from sin and ultimate salvation (John 3:16). Salvation comes with repentance, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and water baptism in Jesus' name (Acts 2:38).

The Bible Is Living

The Bible is the living word of God, which gives us specific guidelines in which we can live a life that is pleasing to him. It "is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16).

Preaching The Gospel

God’s purpose for our lives is to receive redemption and salvation so that we may "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15)

We Are Given Spiritual Gifts

God gives us spiritual gifts, so in turn, we may work together to edify the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12: 1-30)

Why Us?

Arise Christian Academy was birthed from a God given desire to equip the next generation, and those to come, with a solid foundation in Godly truths and who they are in Christ. After much fasting and prayer, the name "Arise" came from the following scripture;

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn."
(Isaiah 60:1-3)

We truly believe and find strength in the knowledge that our children have been born "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). We know God has equipped them with the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) so they, in turn, will ARISE and be the change this world so desperately needs. We know, with Godly guidance, our children will have an impact in their families, their schools, their churches and their city. Our hope is that Arise Christian Academy will break ground for many more educational facilities where children and families can find a place to grow, shine and ARISE in Christ!

Our Mission Statement

To provide a Christ-centered, classical education, so each student will know who they are in Christ and ARISE to be strong leaders in their churches and communities.
(Isaiah 60:1-3)

Our Core Values

To Serve

Our students in an educational environment where they are nurtured, celebrated, guided, and instructed by spirit filled teachers, staff and admin.

To Provide

A Christian-centered curriculum that excels in all subject areas and instills a biblical worldview.

To Equip

Students with Christ-centered instruction so they may excel in their spiritual, academic, emotional, physical and social development. In turn, they will lead with integrity, serve compassionately and transform their families, churches and communities with the heart and mind of Christ.

To Support

Parents and families in their primary role and responsibility of training and instructing their child in the ways of the Lord.

To Work

With our local community to build up a strong commitment to Christ-centered education, who are unified in prayer, and passionate about promoting the mission and vision of Arise Christian Academy.

Our Vision & Philosophy

Arises Christian Academy believes that everyone is created in the image of God. In that, every individual is “fearfully and wonderfully made”. (Psalm 139:14)
We believe that God has given every child unique abilities, talents, and gifts. With proper instructions and guidance from spirit filled mentors, teachers, parents and churches, our children can develop these unique abilities to edify the body of Christ.
We believe that the roles of our teachers, staff and governing board member’s go beyond their titles and are God given talents and ministries.

Our daily goals at Arise Christian Academy is to pour into the lives of our students, bless them in all they do, cultivate their God given gifts and talents, guide them as uniquely, God created, individuals and instruct them in the ways of the Lord. We believe that if you “train up" a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”( Proverbs 22:6)

We know that parents are crucial in the development of children. Arise Christian Academy aims to work closely with families, their local church and pastors to aid in the overall growth and development of each child’s God given purpose for their lives. Arise Christian Academy operates on the word of God.

We believe it is the fundamental driving force within our school. The word of God takes precedence over individual beliefs, ideologies or political viewpoints.

Lead with integrity from a Biblical worldview
Excel in academics through scientifically research-based methods
Transform the world by proclaiming the power of Jesus Christ
Serve compassionately with the heart and mind of Christ
Grow and mature in faith

With the belief that God has created all our students in his image and are “fearfully and wonderfully made”, we, at Arise Christian Academy, strive to serve each child with an individualized and tailored instruction where their unique needs are met and celebrated.  Arise Christian Academy believes in providing Christian education through scientifically sound methods, instruction and curriculum facilitated by highly qualified and trained teachers and staff. We believe that God created our children with the innate ability to be curious, explore, question, move, manipulate, discover and connect through hands-on, multi-sensory and kinesthetic approaches to learning, all while maintaining high standards of instruction and academic learning.

Arise strives to create a God-centered environment where children experience love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) from teachers, staff and peers.  In turn, our hope is that each child feels safe, natured, successful and emboldened to be what God has called them to be.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn."

Isaiah 60:1-3